Online Gaming to Learn Music and English Language in Music and Ballet School Solfeggio Education

Slađana Marić


This article focuses on the possible enrichment of music and art experiences of students by online gaming to learn music and English language in Music and Ballet School Solfeggio Education in Serbia. Although Solfeggio lessons are mostly in Serbian and in some schools in Hungarian language, there are indications that in the nearest future bilingual classes (e.g. Serbian – English) for music education will be organized. Today students have the opportunity to apply, take lessons and exams of international organizations, such as The Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) in “Isidor Bajić” Music School in Novi Sad, etc.  Thus, by online gaming in classroom or at their spare time, students can learn and master their music, English language, and ICT skills in a pleasant and motivating learning environment.  From the teaching methodology aspect the educational content applied in the free online games on two websites is presented: (1) “Classics for Kids” website of Cincinnati Public Radio (“Compose your very own music!”,  “Match the Rhythm”, “Note Names” and “Composer Time Machine”), and (2) “New York Philharmonic Kidzone” website by New York Philharmonic, New York (“Minuet Mixer”, “Instrument Frenzy”, “Percussion Showdown”, “Piccolo Pete Noterunner”, “Orchestration Station”, “Music Match Composer”, “Music Match Instruments”).

Keywords: English language learning, online music games, music and ballet school, music technology, solfeggio.


English language learning; online music games; music and ballet school; music technology, solfeggio.

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